World IA Day 2013 LA Webcast, with GoToMeeting link-up

On February 9th, 2013, the IA Institute sponsored World IA Day, a 1 DAY 15 CITY event focusing on Information Architecture. Along with a team of global sponsors the local coordinators will assemble fifteen 1 DAY conferences all around the globe in 15 CITIES to build awareness and celebrate information architecture (IA).
What is Information Architecture?
Information architecture (IA) is the art and science of organizing and labeling data including: websites, intranets, online communities, software, books and other mediums of information, to support usability.[1] It is an emerging discipline and community of practice focused on bringing together principles of design and architecture, primarily to the digital landscape.[2][page needed] Typically, it involves a model or concept of information which is used and applied to activities that require explicit details of complex information systems. These activities include library systems and database development.” as defined by Wikipedia
Initial Talks
What initially started as a conversation and emails in early January between; Dan Klyn of The Understanding Group, Jeff Parks of DIGIA UX Inc., Andrea Resmini of FatDUX Group, and Laura Creekmore of Creek Content about how best to achieve a World IA Day 2013 webcast. By the end of the conversation the World IA Day 2013 Los Angeles Live Webcast from UCLA’s Charles E Young Research Library Conference Center had been birthed.
@albertatrebla Feed was excellent. Thank you to all involved. @trarthur @e3webcasting
— Ian Fenn (@ifenn) February 10, 2013
Planning Starts to Take Shape
At this point in the process, we started working with the very talented LA coordinator Alberta Soranzo as she served as liaison with the UXPA LA Board as they planned the WIAD 2013 in Los Angeles event.
LA’s live stream rocked! @worldiaday @wiad_la @albertatrebla @undrstndng @iainstitute @uxpaofla @e3webcasting @danklyn
— LA UX Meetup (@LAUXmeetup) February 10, 2013
The Conference Webcast
February 9th dawned a beautiful day in Los Angeles, and a crowd gathered early at the UCLA’s Charles E Young Research Library Conference Center eager to expand their IA knowledge and practice. The opening speaker of the day was Aaron Irizarry from NASDAQ OMX helping us wrap our heads around “Understanding IA.” Pulling from this years theme of what we mean when we say “architecture” and when we say “design” in our research and practice. Next up was David Fiorito of Empathy Lab speaking on “Thinking Navigation.” Following David was Greg Nudelman of DesignCaffeine, Inc. who connected with us in LA via GoToMeeting remotely from San Francisco. Greg shared an amazing mobile navigation technique he and his team have been working on. To see it in action, watch the video below.
Following lunch, Chris Chandler from the The Walt Disney Company and Lynn Boyden from USC Web Services brought us back together for the afternoon and presented on “Other People’s Problems.” And simple steps we can take to implement mentoring and the impact it can have on people’s lives. After a short break, Eric Reiss from the FatDUX Group, reminded us that “Content is still king, but its the arrows – the links that create value for our clients,” closing out the day by pulling all the presentations together with the Plenary.
our gracious #WIAD sponsor @e3webcasting has done a *MARVELOUS* job encoding and editing these… ya’ll will see soon :)
— dan klyn (@danklyn) February 13, 2013
Webcast Audience Reach
World IA Day 2013 LA was a smashing success! The live stream video webcast was watched by viewers in London, Germany, Sweden and beyond. Hopefully next year we can get even more World IA Day cities streaming online. Until next year…
Thank you to @e3webcasting for providing the livestream for #WIADLA.
— Sara Mooney (@Sara_Mooney) February 9, 2013
World IA Day 2013 Conference 411
If you’d like to learn more about the World IA Day LA Conference or would like to attend next year’s conference you can find out more by visiting the conference website or following them on Twitter:
Website: World IA Day
Twitter: @WIAD_LA
Hashtag: #WIADLA
Facebook: World IA Day
Conference Videos On Demand: World IA Day YouTube Channel
Tim Arthur
As an executive producer with 20+ years of experience producing video around the globe. Timothy is a film & video production professional with a diversified background in marketing, technology, production and event coordination. He approaches each venture with a passion for increasing the client / partner’s reach and value, by implementing production with creativity and discernment. Email: [email protected]