iOS App Makers’ Conference Videos

January 31, 2013 by Tim Arthur0

iOS App Makers @ Renaissance iOS Conf

This January, for three days, the best of the iOS app making community came together to instruct those in attendance at the conference how to excel at the business, design, and technology of making apps. e3 Webcasting was there at the Mission Bay Conference Center to capture the making of the best iOS app makers’ conference. Created by Tim Burks of Radtastical Inc., and Bill Dudney of Gala Factory, Renaissance is the iOS app makers’ conference.

App makers aren’t just programmers. They develop ideas into apps that impact our lives. To kick off day one of the conference Brenda Chapman, who wrote and directed Pixar’s Brave, was on hand to encourage the audience to “Dare It,” by daring to be and to do something different.

There’s no substitute to learning from the best. The Renaissance conference brought together experts in a variety of fields for three days of sharing knowledge and networking. Day two’s Keynote was presented by Ken Segall, ex-Creative Director for Chiat/Day, who worked with Steve Jobs to name the iMac. Ken, encouraged everyone present to “Focus It” and remind us that “Simplicity is not a trend.” Ken’s presentation really made me want to read his book “Insanely Simple.”

After creating a list of the most important subject matter for iOS app makers to know and finding the best people in the industry to speak on those topics, Renaissance’s day three was awe-inspiring. Tim Berry wrapped up the conference with the final keynote charge to go out there and “Do it.” Known as the “the Obi Wan Kenobi of Business Plans“, and Tim Berry closed with advice for critical thinking and planning that we can use to launch our ideas to success.

My top 10 take-aways from the Renaissance Conference:

  • 1. Winning in the App Store – Lux Chen of Esper Labs

    Showcases a great marketing strategy to get you on the charts plus a cross.

  • 2. Winning in the App Store – Lux Chen of Esper Labs

    Also shares a cross-promotion game plan for your game.

  • 3. Winning in the App Store – Lux Chen of Esper Labs

    Presents the per user RIO metrics to you need to know to survive.

  • 4. Winning in the App Store – Jessica Kahn of Disney Interactive Media Group

    Shares one of the research tactics Tapulous used to figure out if that app was going to be a winner or a loser.

  • 5. Apps for Everyone – Brendan Clavin of Tethras

    Presented some very interesting language data for iOS app localization.

  • 6. Apps for Everyone – Brendan Clavin of Tethras

    Shared an interesting localized SEO strategy for naming your next app.

  • 7. Apps for Everyone – Lan Lin of iPhone Localizer

    Explained the keyword difference between apps targeted at the Chinese market vs. apps targeted at the Japanese market.

  • 8. Apps for Everyone – Lan Lin of iPhone Localizer

    Provided a great tip, about how-to test different markets before localizing your complete app.

  • 9. Intentional Marketing – Tan Tmangraksat of Velti

    Showed some really fun revenue charts for iOS apps vs. other platforms.

  • 10. Intentional Marketing – Kat Gordon of Maternal Instinct and creator of the 3% Conference

    Shared the statistic that the average user has 65 apps on their phone and what that means to you as an app developer.

There were too many great take-aways from the Renaissance iOS conference to list them all here. So much so, that you should watch the videos… Click here to view the videos:

Renaissance the iOS app makers’ conference 411

If you’d like to learn more about the Renaissance Conference or would like to attend next year’s conference you can find out more by visiting the conference website or following them on Twitter:
Website: Renaissance
Twitter: @renaissanceio
Hashtag: #renio
Facebook: Renaissance

Tim Arthur

As an executive producer with 20+ years of experience producing video around the globe. Timothy is a film & video production professional with a diversified background in marketing, technology, production and event coordination. He approaches each venture with a passion for increasing the client / partner’s reach and value, by implementing production with creativity and discernment. Email:

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