According to ASAE surveys, 92% of your members express a desire for education, yet less than 15% of them have the opportunity to access your best content during events.
Education is the primary reason why your members join your association. Many eagerly anticipate conferences and educational events to stay informed about the latest developments and enhance their skills. e3 Webcasting unlocks and delivers your top-notch content to your entire audience through a video and multimedia approach, positively impacting your financial gains, mission, and predictability. Here’s how you can leverage your conferences, webinars, and events:
e3 Webcasting collaborates with numerous associations, ensuring that their events are more successful than ever. By creating engaging video and audio content during events and extending conference benefits beyond the event dates, we help you achieve lasting impact. Daily recaps and livestreams are excellent tools to maintain interest and enthusiasm during the event.
Recording educational sessions can also lead to monthly or weekly online content series, allowing you to extend the benefits of your event throughout the year. Let’s make education accessible and impactful for all your members!